Tuesday, February 17, 2009

.I've been missing!

i realised i've been missing from the blog for sucha long time! it will be longer in the future. Hohoho!

Oh well, today's post is more of pictures and more pictures. For the whole CNY period.

okay, this is random. Hahaha... We had a snack before heading out to Chinatown.
Can you imagine - We made this apple pie before Christmas - perhaps 2 months before that?
And kept it frozen, but it tastes just as good once it's baked!

No wonder those ang mohs bake and freeze their goodies!

So crowded! I hate crowds. But it wasn't as crowded. Maybe cos' of recession?

Ivan's Reunion Dinner - I had mine at my sister's place(but didn't take pics)

Clubbing with my Sister & the pretty cousins

We had so much fun - and club hopping - cos' they din like Zirca.

While we were waiting for the 2nd cousin to appear- fidgeting around, walking around...

Check out the UV lights in the lift! How cool is that!

They didn't like the music. Ha-ha-ha

We're supposed to act "Bai Chi"

And "Glam" --- where's the glam, man?

This guy over here - was hanging upside down for a while, we were seated at a table underneath it. And he was waving to us. Haa... we didn't even realised cos we were busy ordering drinks and talking to the waitress. Guess what? Christine was frightened by him. LOL!

I didn't know Zirca has shows... Took a short clip on it.

Alright, I'll end off here. Will update more when I'm back! Hongkong here I come!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

.Cramps are sucha PAIN~

anyway I wasn't talking about cramps.

my cramps are a killer!

It gets so painful til' I will end up rolling around in bed, and finally shrivelled up like a dried shrimp.

New year was pretty fun! Since I won some money, but I lost some too.
Angpows were quite unexpected. But still alright. =D

Extra cash to tide me over the tough times!

I realised I haven't been updating things. Well reason being, I was too preoccupied with so many stuffs. But I will definitely update in due time. I realised I have some pictures that I have yet to upload and talked about it! HAhaha.. my BAD!

Anyway today I chanced upon a site and found the different types of food that has anti-aging properties~

7 surprises for your Anti-Aging Diet

Kiwi & Lemon (Cleaning your body system!):
Apparently it helps detoxify through your liver and kidneys, and I love them both!

Ginger (Puffy no more!):
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties which has an effect on those puffy eyes and acne and all... Maybe I should just force myself to take a litttle bit of ginger strips. *URGH*

Buckwheat (Soba VS Botox):
Which would you prefer? Injections or having some yummy soba noodles? Of course, the latter, right?! Buckwheat contains monounsaturated fatty acids that are essential for keeping skin youthful and supple. And it is rich in rutin, a flavonoid that may help the collagen in your skin keep its elasticity. Time to get buckwheat noodles, bread, use those flour to make your pastries and all... And name them the Age-Buster Pastries....!

Wheatgerm (Vit B):
It contains Vit B which is meant for rapid cell division - so we can have younger better looking skin in no time! Have some of them in yoghurts, cereals for breakfast. Good way to start your morning.

Barley (Wrinkles away!):
The antioxidants and nutrients (like soluble fiber) found in hulled barley are slowly released into the bloodstream, stabilizing blood-sugar levels and insulin, and this helps prevent the breakdown of collagen, keeping your skin wrinkle-free.
Now I've got more reason to make barley porridge, barley soup, gingko barley dessert etc etc... =)

Oyster (Aphrodisiac only? Think again!):
Besides labelled as an aphrodisiac - time to let people know that YOU know that oysters helps in skin renewal and repair. Why? It's because they are high in zinc. So now we all know something that most people won't know. Mmm.... oysters! Let's get high on oysters!

Papaya (Let's glow without those cosmetics):
Papayas actually helped to give our skin a glow that looked as if we just came back from a good break. Hmm... The carotene and Vit C did the trick! Now..... why did my father say I looked "yellow" then?!

Hehehe... so make sure u like all these food and eat them! Thank god, I like most of it - except for the ginger part.

But of course, things should be taken in moderation. Too much of anything will in fact, turn against you!